This heavenly decadent healthy avocado chocolate mousse made with cacao will provide not just a chocolate fix but is absolutely jam packed with healthy nutrients that your body & mind will love, and takes only 5 mins to make!

What is cacao and why is it so good for us?

  • The cacao seed (bean shaped) from the Theobroma Cacao tree is from which chocolate is made and is what is heated and processed to make cocoa, basically it is chocolate in its rawest form retaining all its nutritional goodness!
  • It is shown to be a natural mood elevator & anti-depressant!
  • It is packed with antioxidants (more so than blueberries & tea!) which help remove free radicals from the body (nasties) and help reduce inflammation that can lead to arthritis and other diseases.
  • The fiber in cacao promotes healthy digestion and reduces the risk of IBS & other digestive problems.
  • It is filled with flavonoids which are nutrients that have proven to reduce blood pressure and improve flow to brain and the heart therefore reducing risk of blood clots.
  • Full of magnesium for a healthy heart and brain as well as iron to build blood and transport oxygen around your body plus protein which helps to maintain and build muscle mass!
  • All this before even taking into account that
  • Avocados contain magical skin nourishing ingredients such as vitamin C, beta-carotene and Vitamin E!


2 ripe avocados

1/4 cup cacao powder (can use cocoa powder)

1/2 tsp vanilla essence

1/4 cup (or to taste) sweetener of choice (I use Clark’s maple / carob syrup 45% less sugar)

1/4 tsp salt

3/4 tbsp of milk of choice (I use Alpro coconut as it adds a beautiful creaminess and taste)


Remove Avo flesh & chuck it all in a blender until smooth. Divide into servings and pop in the fridge to set. Serve with whatever takes your fancy! I like to add some shredded coconut & strawberries as the sweetness works a dream with the dark bitter chocolate taste.

Bear in mind cacao is very bitter as it is raw so taste as you go & add more sweetener as necessary.